Visual Timeline: Tsar

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1540 CE 1550 CE 1560 CE 1570 CE 1580 CE 1590 CE 1600 CE 1610 CE 1620 CE 1630 CE 1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE 1680 CE 1690 CE 1700 CE 1710 CE 1720 CE  
1547 CE: Ivan IV of Russia is crowned as tsar.
1547 CE - 1584 CE: Reign of Ivan the Terrible.
1547 CE - 1721 CE: The title of tsar is used in Russia.
1584 CE - 1598 CE: Reign of Feodor I of Russia.
1598 CE - 1605 CE: Reign of Boris Godunov.
1605 CE: Reign of Feodor II of Russia.
1605 CE - 1606 CE: Reign of False Dmitry I of Russia.
1606 CE - 1610 CE: Reign of Vasili IV of Russia.
1613 CE - 1645 CE: Reign of Michael I of Russia.
1645 CE - 1676 CE: Reign of Alexis of Russia.
1676 CE - 1682 CE: Reign of Feodor III of Russia.
1682 CE: The joint coronation of Peter the Great and Tsar Ivan.
1696 CE: Tsar Ivan dies leaving Peter the sole ruler of Russia.
1540 CE 1560 CE 1580 CE 1600 CE 1620 CE 1640 CE 1660 CE 1680 CE 1700 CE