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Agoge, the Spartan Education Program
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Agoge, the Spartan Education Program

The agoge was the ancient Spartan education program, which trained male youths in the art of war. The word means "raising" in the sense of raising livestock from youth toward a specific purpose. The program was first instituted by the lawgiver...
Roman Education
Article by Laura Kate C. McCormack

Roman Education

Roman education had its first 'primary schools' in the 3rd century BCE, but they were not compulsory and depended entirely on tuition fees. There were no official schools in Rome, nor were there buildings used specifically for the purpose...
Education in the Elizabethan Era
Article by Mark Cartwright

Education in the Elizabethan Era

Besides the traditional option of private tuition, Elizabethan England (1558-1603 CE) offered formal education to those able to pay the necessary fees at preparatory schools, grammar schools, and universities. There was, however, no compulsory...
Mesopotamian Education
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Mesopotamian Education

Mesopotamian education was invented by the Sumerians following the creation of writing c. 3500 BCE. The earliest schools were attached to temples but later established in separate buildings in which the scribes of ancient Mesopotamia learned...
Statue of Brigid at Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare
Image by Wanda Marcussen

Statue of Brigid at Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare

Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare, believed to be the well used by Brigid herself and where she let her white cow drink water. The well continues to be a sacred site of pilgrimage, especially for the celebration of Imbolc on February 1st.
The Ancient Greeks: Crucible of Civilization - Episode 3: Empire of the Mind
Video by PBS

The Ancient Greeks: Crucible of Civilization - Episode 3: Empire of the Mind

EPISODE 3: EMPIRE OF THE MIND The final segment describes how Athens, at the height of her glory, engaged in a suicidal conflict with her greatest rival, Sparta. Through the eyes of Socrates, Athens' first philosopher, viewers see the tragic...
Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare
Image by Wanda Marcussen

Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare

Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare, Ireland. The drinking well is believed to have been used by Brigid and her white cow. The well continues to be a pilgrimage site, especially for the celebration of Imbolc on February 1st.
Well and Bathing Platform, Harappa
Image by Obed Suhail

Well and Bathing Platform, Harappa

Well and Bathing Platform, Harappa, 2200-1900 BCE.
Women at a Well in Pompeii
Image by Luigi Bazzani

Women at a Well in Pompeii

Illustration of what life may have looked like in ancient Pompeii. "Women at the Well" by Luigi Bazzani (1836-1927), oil on woodpanel.
The Education of Achilles by Bénigne Gagneraux
Image by Bénigne Gagneraux

The Education of Achilles by Bénigne Gagneraux

The Education of Achilles, oil on canvas by Bénigne Gagneraux, 1785.