Search Results: Great pyramid owners workshop manual


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Great Pyramid of Giza
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a defining symbol of Egypt and the last of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World. It is located on the Giza plateau near the modern city of Cairo and was built over a twenty-year period during the reign of the...
Life in a Renaissance Artist's Workshop
Article by Mark Cartwright

Life in a Renaissance Artist's Workshop

The majority of great Renaissance works of art were produced in large and busy workshops run by a successful master artist and his team of assistants and apprentices. Here, too, more mundane art was produced in larger quantities to meet the...
Old Kingdom of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Old Kingdom of Egypt

The Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2613-2181 BCE) is also known as the 'Age of the Pyramids' or 'Age of the Pyramid Builders' as it includes the great 4th Dynasty when King Sneferu perfected the art of pyramid building and the pyramids of Giza...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


A pyramid is a structure or monument, usually with a quadrilateral base, which rises to a triangular point. In the popular imagination, pyramids are the three lonely structures on the Giza plateau at the edge of the Sahara Desert but there...
The Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara

The pyramids are the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt and still fascinate people in the present day. These enormous tributes to the memory of the Egyptian kings have become synonymous with the country even though other cultures (such...
Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Architecture

Ancient Egyptian architecture is often associated closely with the pyramids of Giza but was actually quite diverse, taking a number of forms in the construction of administrative buildings, temples, tombs, palaces, and the private homes of...
Charles XII from the Workshop of Hyacinthe Rigaud
Image by From the Workshop of Hyacinthe Rigaud

Charles XII from the Workshop of Hyacinthe Rigaud

Charles XII, oil on canvas from the workshop of the French artist Hyacinthe Rigaud. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. Charles XII was famous throughout Europe. Everyone wanted his portrait. This has been added in the studio of the French court...
Sculptor's Workshop by Nanni di Banco
Image by Sp!ros

Sculptor's Workshop by Nanni di Banco

A detail of a relief showing a Renaissance sculptor's workshop by Nanni di Banco. c. 1416 CE. (Or San Michele, Florence)
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Imhotep (Greek name, Imouthes, c. 2667-2600 BCE) was an Egyptian polymath (a person expert in many areas of learning) best known as the architect of King Djoser's Step Pyramid at Saqqara. His name means "He Who Comes in Peace" and he is the...
The Great Sphinx of Giza
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Great Sphinx of Giza

The Great Sphinx of Giza is the most instantly recognizable statue associated with ancient Egypt and among the most famous in the world. The sculpture, of a recumbent lion with the head of an Egyptian king, was carved out of limestone on...