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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, desire, and all aspects of sexuality. She could entice both gods and men into illicit affairs with her beauty and whispered sweet nothings. Aphrodite was born near Cyprus from the severed...
How the World Was Made: A Cherokee Creation Story
Article by Joshua J. Mark

How the World Was Made: A Cherokee Creation Story

How the World Was Made is a creation story of the Cherokee nation, which, like many such tales of the Native peoples of North America, begins with a world covered by water from which dry land is formed and natural order created by beings...
Disarming Aphrodite: Rediscovering the Venus de Milo
Article by Branko van Oppen

Disarming Aphrodite: Rediscovering the Venus de Milo

The so-called VĂ©nus de Milo is perhaps one of the most iconic works of Western art of any period. The statue of the goddess was found on the Aegean island of Milos, to which she owes her name, on the eve of the Greek War of Independence (1821-1830...
Definition by Liana Miate


In Greco-Roman mythology, Aeneas is a Trojan prince and the legendary founder of the Romans. He is the son of Anchises, a member of the Trojan royal family, and the goddess Aphrodite/Venus. Aeneas was one of the few Trojan heroes who escaped...
Definition by Elias N. Azar


The myth of Adonis is a legendary love story that combines tragedy and death on the one hand, and the joy of coming back to life on the other. The story of the impossibly handsome Adonis and his lover the goddess Aphrodite originally dates...
Definition by Donald L. Wasson


Hippolytus is a tragedy written by Euripides (c. 484-407 BCE), one of the great Greek playwrights of the early 5th century BCE. As with many tragedies of the era, the central focus of Hippolytus is humanity's relationship with the gods. Hippolytus...
Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide
Article by Carole Raddato

Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide

Lying at the crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean, the island of Cyprus has long been a meeting point for many of the world's great civilizations. Situated where Europe, Asia and Africa meet, its location shaped its history of bringing...
How It's Made: Peace Pipes
Video by How It's Made Show

How It's Made: Peace Pipes

The show is a documentary showing how common, everyday items (including foodstuffs like bubblegum, industrial products such as engines, musical instruments such as guitars, and sporting goods such as snowboards) are manufactured. The show...
Helen of Troy
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy (sometimes called Helen of Sparta) is a figure from Greek mythology whose elopement with (or abduction by) the Trojan prince Paris sparked off the Trojan War. Helen was the wife of Menelaus, the king of Sparta, and considered...
Definition by Liana Miate


Calliope (also spelt Kalliope) is the Muse of epic poetry and heroic song in Greek mythology. She is considered the leader of the Muses and the most honoured of them all. She is often represented in art with a tablet on her knee and a stylus...